Starter Kits
If you want to get up and running quickly to review Lunar, this section is for you.
Livewire Starter Kit
Lunar provides a starter kit as a reference to help you build your own custom e-commerce app. The starter kit is built using Laravel Livewire (as is our admin hub). You can quickly see how to load products, collections, use the cart and checkout.
If you would prefer to install Lunar into your own Laravel application, please follow the installation instructions.
- PHP >= 8.2
- MySQL 8.0+ / PostgreSQL 9.2+
- exif PHP extension (on most systems it will be installed by default)
- intl PHP extension (on most systems it will be installed by default)
- bcmath PHP extension (on most systems it will be installed by default)
- GD PHP extension (used for image manipulation)
We assume you have a suitable local development environment in which to run Lunar. We would highly suggest Laravel Herd for this purpose.
Create a New Project
composer create-project --stability dev lunarphp/livewire-starter-kit my-store
cd my-store
or using the latest Laravel Installer you can do...
laravel new my-store --using=lunarphp/livewire-starter-kit
cd my-store
Configure the Laravel app
Copy the .env.example
file to .env
and make sure the details match to your install.
cp .env.example .env
All the relevant configuration files should be present in the repo.
Migrate and Seed
Install Lunar
php artisan lunar:install
Seed the demo data.
php artisan db:seed
Link the storage directory
php artisan storage:link
Finished 🚀
You are now installed!
- You can access the storefront at
- You can access the admin hub at
You can review the source code at the GitHub Repository: